Friday, January 4, 2008

(NHD Topic Essay) Cuban Misssile Crisis

The Cuban missile crisis took place during John F. Kennedy's presidency in the early 1960's. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a military confrontation among the United State of America, the Soviet Union and Cuban. During this time, the cold war threatened to become a nuclear war. i choose to focus on this topic for my NHD project because i wanted to learn more about the United State and it relationship with Cuba. During my research, my main focus will be on old military, and CIA records. I would also like to look at Kennedy's actions and responses during this time.

What drew me the most to this topic was the title of my project it self sound a lot conflict to me.
I guess the compromise of my topic will be how the United State, Cuba and other nation come to about an agreement with Cuba without violence. And also last but not lease i would like to look
at why Cubans can come to the United State, and why citizen of the Unted States can't travel to Cuban. And why is it that the US has a prison and a base in Cuba?

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